fredag 28 oktober 2011

Camera stabilisation, Bluetooth and misc

So today i got my FTDI basic so i can program my MiniWii cards. One of the cards will be used as a camstab alone so i can use it on any multirotor, or plane,  i have since camstab on the multiwii is limited to max 4 motors. So if you have a Hexa you cant use multiwii to stabilisate the camera gimbal. Well that goes for the multiwii cards i have atleast, MiniWii by Jussi and Quadrino.

                                        Here is the FTDI breakout board made by Sparkfun.

FTDI connected to the MiniWii board. I didnt want to solder the FTDI to the board ( because it would make it bigger ) so i added pins to it so i just connect it to the MiniWii and do my programming.

I also tried one of my Bluetooth adapters and it works like a charm. The BT adapter comes programmed at 9600baud and you need to change that to 115200 for it to work with MultiWii software.

HERE is a easy guide how to do it.

 Here is a screenshot from my Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 connected to the MiniWii board. For those that doesnt know the BT ( bluetooth ) adapter makes it easy to change your setting on the multiwii board just by using your Android device with Multiwii software installed.

So back to the Camera stabilisation for abit :)

To get the CamStab working you need to change in the sketch that u then will upload to your MultiWii board.

                                      Here i have enabled the Camstab option in the sketch.

                  And here is a screenshot of the GUI where i have enabled the camstab option.

And here is a short clip of the camstab. Still needs adjusting in software but you get the idea :)

                                                       Thats it for now :) Cya

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